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Creating Coupon Codes - Shopify
Yemi avatar
Written by Yemi
Updated over a week ago

When running People Power campaigns, you will need to create coupon codes within your store to use within a Sauce campaign. 

Within Shopify, there are a number of solutions.

A multi-use singular coupon

Create one generic coupon for all customers to use. This is the most straightforward solution, but you will not be able to link purchases with specific customers after checkout.

Click Shopify>Discounts from within the Shopify dashboard. Click Create Discount. 

Create your code for the coupon at the top by typing your own in or by generating a random code within Shopify. 

Options - 

  • Percentage - a percentage discount on your whole cart

  • Fixed Amount - a fixed discount on your whole cart

  • Free Shipping - Free delivery 

  • Buy X get Y - A rule where you have to buy an item to qualify for discount

(Discount) Applies to - 

  • Entire Order

  • Specific Collections

  • Specific Products 

Minimum requirement 

  • None - Any product can be used alongside discount

  • Minimum Purchase Amount - Customer has to be spending a certain amount.

  • Minimum Quantity of Items - Customer has to be buying a certain number of things.

Customer Eligibility 

  • Everyone - No exclusions

  • Specific groups of Customer - Groups of customers, e.g. email list

  • Specific Customers - Those that have access to a special login or "club" zone. 

Usage Limits

  • Limit number of times the discount can be used in total - Limit this to 100 to create urgency.

  • Limit to one use per customer - Creates exclusivity and desire to use it.

Active Dates - Set the date the coupon launches and expires. 

Once set up, add the coupon code to the Sauce Campaign page and you will be ready for launch. 

Multiple coupons

Create multiple discount codes where each individual will have a bespoke code. 

For this, we follow the steps above and then need 

1. a plugin such as Discount Code Generator by Felix 

2. or use a formula within a spreadsheet.

1/. Discount Code Generator by Felix

Within the Discounts tab, once the discount has been created, go to more actions and select Generate Discount Codes. 

The criteria you created in the previous section apply to the discount codes made with this plugin. Add in a prefix, i.e. a word to be used on all of the discount codes so that you can reference back to them later and select how many discount codes you want to create. (The maximum is 9999)

** Top tip, create urgency by only making a small number available vs the number of customers you are reaching out to.**

Click Generate. You will then be able to see these codes within the Admin of Shopify before you launch your campaign. 

Once there, you will see a long list of coupons, the date they were created, and the number of times that they have been used. At this stage, you have the option to export the discount codes. 

Select which codes you want and what format you want them to be exported in. These codes will then be sent to the main email address you use on Shopify. 

You will then be able to upload them into Sauce. 

2/. Spreadsheet
Paste this formula:


into A1 of your spreadsheet (this can be Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers). This will generate a unique coupon code that you can insert into your People Power Campaign. 

Click on the duplicate square on the cell to copy the formula to all cells below. With this method, you can create over 3 million coupon codes very quickly.

Export the spreadsheet as a CSV and then upload this into Sauce. 

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