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Creating Coupon Codes - WooCommerce

Create multiple coupon codes within WooCommerce

Yemi avatar
Written by Yemi
Updated over a week ago

When running People Power campaigns, you will need to create coupon codes within your store to use within a Sauce campaign. 

Within WooCommerce there are a number of solutions.

Solution 1: A multi-use singular coupon 

Create one generic coupon for all customers to use. This is the most straightforward solution, but you will not be able to link purchases with specific customers after checkout.

Click WooCommerce>Coupons from within the WordPress dashboard. Click on Add Coupon. 

Create your code for the coupon at the top. Add a reminder of what the coupon is for. 

There are then three tabs. General, Usage Restrictions and Usage Limits. 

General Coupon Tab
Here you can specify what type of discount you're offering and also set expiry date. 

  • Cart Discount – a fixed discount on your whole cart

  • Cart % Discount – a percentage discount on your whole cart

  • Product Discount – a fixed discount on a specific product/s

  • Product % Discount – a percentage discount on a specific product/s

Usage Restrictions Tab
Here you can configure the coupon's specific requirements or how it's activated.
e.g. 10% off orders over £100, or 25% off of a specific product

Usage Limits Tab
This limits how many times your coupon can be used either per customer, or total uses. Restrict total uses to 500 to create a sense of urgency. 

Once set up, add the coupon code to the Sauce Campaign page and you will be ready for launch.

Solution 2: Multiple coupons

Create multiple coupon codes where each individual will have a bespoke code. 

For this, we can use a plugin such as Coupon Generator, Code Shop, or a formula within a spreadsheet. 

A. Coupon Generator

Follow the instructions for how to do this on the Coupon Generator site. 

Long story short, you are able to set up the discount type, expiry date, the number of coupons, and any restrictions. These coupons can then be exported, to be inserted into the Sauce people power campaign. But you will need to use an additional application such as Export WordPress Data.

B. Spreadsheet

Paste this code:


into A1 of your spreadsheet (this can be Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers). This will generate a unique coupon code that you can insert into your People Power Campaign. 

Click on the duplicate square on the cell to copy the formula to all cells below. With this method, you can create over 3 million coupon codes very quickly.

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