Find out how your campaign has performed in terms of coupon redemptions and engagements.
Click on the arrow to open up the full report.
This opens up a display giving you deeper insights on the engagement during your campaign. The Campaign report looks like this:
The Campaign report will give you a summary and detailed insights of your campaign. It will look like this:
First we have the graph of participants. Underneath there is a summary and then there is the list of participants with the associated posts.
Participants - The number of people who have logged in with Instagram and have shown interest in the coupon.
Posts - The number of images that have been uploaded and the number of customers who have received coupons.
Between each step you can see the uplift of how many people have continued through each of the steps.
At the bottom there is the Instagram Participant list. This displays -
Who has posted to Instagram
Their Post that will automatically appear in your Sauce dashboard in the People Power tab
When it was posted
The number of people who have been engaged with this post
When they first signed up
The coupon code that they have been sent