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Send Influencers an Influencer invite to connect with your brand
Send Influencers an Influencer invite to connect with your brand

Invite influencers to be able to automatically track stories that mention your brand in Influencer campaigns.

Fede avatar
Written by Fede
Updated over a week ago

Ever wanted to reach out to influencers to engage with them on a gifting-only or paid collaboration?

Are you constantly inundated by influencers/bloggers' requests and have no time and tools to assess the impact and engagements of their posts and stories for your brand?

With Influencer Invite you can invite any influencer to connect with your brand for the purposes of tracking stories that specifically @mention your brand. See the example below:

Please note that if you aren't interested in tracking stories you can still see an Influencer's full profile without requiring them to accept your Influencer invite. Example shows profiling of an Influencer who is not Pro-connected. Full profiling without an Influencer invite connection is used to shortlist and pre-vet influencers based on Sauce's reputation Index and engagement scores.

Once an Influencer is shortlisted based on your profiling criteria you can request that they accept your Influencer invite to connect with your brand so that the stories that mention your brand @username can be tracked in an Influencer campaign. The story data will be captured in a campaign once the Influencer has fully approved the connection and wishes to share data related to stories that explicitly @mention your brand as follows:

Data captured includes:

  • Story media (images and videos used in the story)

  • Date time

  • Story impressions

  • Story audience reach

! the story must @mention your brand for it to be included in your report as follows:

Get started with Influencer invites

Step 1.

In Influencer+ click on Influencer invites

You will be presented with the invite below that can be sent out automatically via Sauce with your name in the senders' box. Or you can opt to create the invite link, copy the link and paste it into an email.

Step 2.

In your user details click on Connected accounts to be able to see all accounts that have been invited and if and when the invite has been accepted

Step 3.

On receipt of the invite you will be able to see detailed stats on any influencer and:

  • Predict engagements metrics 

  • Analyse any influencer Reputation Index to see if they are a match for your brand

  • Compare and evaluate influencers' fees

  • Decide if is worth starting a collaboration

Please note that when connecting:

The influencer needs to authenticate via Instagram and then via Facebook

**** The connection is fully secure! ****

**** Sauce does not ever see their password!!!!! *****

**** Sauce does not have access to their feed or their followers!!!! ****

Sauce is an Instagram partner and as such we see only the insights that Instagram/Facebook is sharing via their API

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