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How to curate your Shoppable Galleries

Organizing your photos, videos, and User Generated Content (UGC) you want to appear in your Shoppable Galleries and Product Page Galleries.

Fede avatar
Written by Fede
Updated over a week ago

Once logged in with your Instagram username, you will see your Sauce Media Library from which you can:

  • Edit media (photos and videos) in your Added tab

  • Add new media from your Instagram feed

  • Add new media from User Generated Content (UGC)

  • Upload your own high-resolution photos in custom Uploads

  • Add new media via your Tracked Hashtags

To give you a head start your most recent 32 photos from your own Instagram feed will appear in your Media Library > Added tab. Click on any image to tag a product with a link to make the image shoppable.

You can drag hotspots into position on the image or video to align it with the corresponding product in the shot.

Turn videos into Visual Shopping in the same way:

1. How do you add more images?

To add more images go to your media library and click on New > Instagram as shown below:

You will be presented with all the images and videos from your Instagram feed. Click on those you wish to make shoppable and add product links in the box provided.

Add more photos and videos from other Instagram brand fans and Influencers who have tagged your brand.

New images can come from different sources:

  • Your "Instagram" feed as shown in the example above

  • or from the User Generated Tab ("UGC") where you will be presented with all the images of other people mentioning or tagging your brand in their photos and videos in their own Instagram feeds.

To see this content click on New > UGC

To make it easier to manage your User Generated Content use the filtering and sorting dropdowns that allow you to see your media by most recent, highest engagement and the #hashtags they contain etc.

Posts you choose to use in your shoppable galleries that come from other people will be automatically attributed back to the original creator like this:

The result your customers see looks like this:

Removing media

Once images are added and linked to product they will appear in your Added tab.

If there are some in there which you don't want to use within your shoppable gallery, you can remove them! 

Hover over an image and a trash icon will appear. Click Remove to remove it from your galleries.


** This will not remove the image from your Instagram feed!

It will only be removed from your Sauce Galleries**

Once you have removed an image, it will still appear within Sauce in the 'Removed' section, which you can access via the 'Removed' tab pictured below. 

If you accidentally deleted an image or decide that you would like to use a previously deleted image, you can get it back. Go into the Removed section and find the photo. Hover over the photo and you will get the option to add the image back. Once the image has been added you can edit its product tags in the normal way. 

2. How do I organize my images?

You can organize the order of the images in any of your Shoppable galleries.

Click on Shop the Feed > Shoppable Galleries > Select the gallery you wish to re-arrange e.g. Aloyoga-UGC Gallery

Hover over any image and drag it from the drag icon to re-arrange its position in the grid.

Once you have curated your Instagram feed, add product tags or hotspots to your images to direct your customers to specific product pages. Find out more about adding hotspots here. 

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