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How do I connect with my Etsy store?
James Riley avatar
Written by James Riley
Updated over a week ago

Sauce offers a 'Live-links' feature, which allows you to easily hook up your hotspots to your product pages by looking up a product by name. This does away with the hassle of copying and pasting product URLs. To hook up your Sauce account with Etsy, head to your 'Account Details' page, from the menu at the top right of the Sauce back office.

From here, scroll down to the integrations section, and paste your Etsy store name into the field. Note that this needs to be your store name only, and not your full Etsy URL. Your Etsy shop name is the name portion of your Etsy store URL, e.g:

In the example above, 'AwesomeGuitars' is the Etsy store name. You'll want to copy this store name, into the Etsy field of your Account details, and click 'connect'. All done! You should now see that your Etsy products can be search when next adding links to your hotspots.

Any questions? You know where to find us πŸ‘πŸ»

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